
BankOnIP offers a broad range of Invention Services to help you Maximize Your IP Ownership Experience. The Team has also established proprietary methods, which are integral to an efficient and successful placement:

  • Evaluations & Financial Assessments
  • Licensing
  • Sale of IP (private transactions and/or auctions)
  • Venture Capital
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution
  • Infringement Representation

BankOnIP Invention ServicesThe services of BankOnIP are custom designed, profit-driven and focused on our clients desired exit strategy.

We refer to our services and business model as the “60-20-10-10 Model”:
60 – 60% of our services are catered to licensing
20 – 20% of our services focuses on selling the patent outright for a lump sum (through private
acquisitions and auctions)
10 – 10% evolves around raising venture capital and funding for start-ups anchored around IP
10 – 10% dedicated to providing litigation resources for our client/partners (Patent Infringement Fund)

BankOnIP has a comprehensive 22 step program designed to introduce our client’s technology to major manufactures and investors. We are the only brokerage company with a profit sharing business model, a performance based agreement, and a guarantee of services. We provide our clients the following services: Evaluations & Financial Assessments, Licensing, Sale of IP (private transactions and/or auctions), Venture Capital, Manufacturing, Distribution, and Infringement Representation.


The entire team brings extensive experience in dealing with Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals. We’ve partnered with numerous physicians, nurses and other health care professionals in the successful placement of their IP. With the increasing rate of healthcare advancements coupled with our many contacts in the medical marketplace, our team continues its drive for new medical technologies.

BankOnIP Rep

A successful division of BankOnIP is BankOnIP Rep. The focus of BankOnIP Rep is to provide coverage as a Manufacturers’ Representative to companies mainly in the Midwest Region of the United States.  Our areas of coverage include: Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.  Our successful sales team can provide your company the representation it needs with a cooperative, energetic team of individuals using the latest tools and marketing.  We cover a wide variety of markets including: medical, industrial tooling, military, transportation, consumer products, food service, and sporting goods.