LIBSoft™ is the most comprehensive database of Licensees, Investors, and Buyers of Intellectual Property. BankOnIP has contacts to nearly 500,000 companies, all candidates are qualified prior to initiation of our negotiations, and each candidate must meet three levels of due diligence before they’re allowed to enter into an agreement.
Licensees: Companies looking for new product development opportunities
Investors: Accredited Investors looking for IP investment opportunities
Buyers: Entities looking to acquire IP outright for a lump sum payment
Partner Access: LIBSoft™ doubles as a custom CRM application. This communication tool is a web based link allowing our client/partners exclusive access to BankOnIP’s Business Development Department. As a client/partner, you are assigned a user name and password allowing online access to real time progress information on your project. Your access is essentially a mirror of what the team at BankOnIP uses to track the project from start to finish.
Contact us for more information.
Current Clients/Partners
Current clients/partners can login and access their project information. Project Login