System for Trailing a Wounded Animal™
Animals have been hurt and killed by humans since they were hunter-gatherers. Modern hunting is done for fun and amusement, not for survival. Food remains essential, but so does trophy hunting. The loss of a wounded animal is a significant disadvantage of hunting. Ending the animal’s pain, losing a prize, and losing a food supply are all reasons for retrieving a wounded animal.
It takes practice to follow injured animals. Blood trails aren’t always apparent. A hunter searches for blood patches and flecks to prove he’s on the right track. Blood may be a long way apart. Blood can confirm the path an animal travels at trail junctions.
Unless blood has spilled upon a contrasting background, such as a white rock or green leaf, even a vast spot can be challenging to see because it often blends in with the environment, especially after oxidation.
This webpage will give a brief overview of the System for Trailing a Wounded Animal™, a newly patented technology available for licensing.
Using a sensing device, the System for Trailing a Wounded Animal™ detects a chemical component of mammalian blood and other biological fluids in the air. Based on the detected chemical component, an auditory and/or visual indicator is supplied. The sensing device consists of a housing designed to be held in the hand of a person tracking the injured animal.
Materials needed to produce the System for Trailing a Wounded Animal™:
- Electronic Sensor for detecting animal bodily fluids
- Control Box and Controls
- Computer board and programming including batter, lights, sound
- Extendable Rod between Control Box and Sensor
Special features
- Hand Held device
- Sensor Determines Blood or other Bodily Fluids
- Audible Sound
- Better Efficiency
The System for Trailing a Wounded Animal™ is covered by United States Utility Patent: 10,823,724
For additional information, licensing opportunities, and a full prospectus on the System for Trailing a Wounded Animal™ contact:
VP of Business Development