The Endoscopic Cleaning and Lubrication System
Due to the rising prevalence of colorectal cancer, esophagus and stomach cancer, the need for new and more efficiently designed equipment continues to grow. There are an estimated 51.5 million gastrointestinal endoscopies performed each year of which an estimated 17 million are colonoscopies. (
With the number of procedures performed in a day at most medical facilities, speed and efficiency not only aids in the patients comfort but allows physicians to perform more patient procedures per day. The need for quick and efficient equipment preparation and cleanup would greatly aid this process.
At least 2 hands are needed to manipulate an endoscope during a procedure, one holding the control section and another to hold and manipulate the insertion tube. A technician provides assistance in documentation and the collection of samples, but how does the doctor take a biopsy or tissue sample? The doctor must release the insertion tube which can then move away from the desired location – requiring the doctor to go back and reposition the insertion tube once again in order to retrieve the desired sample. A frustrating and time consuming process.
Known benefits of endoscopic holding arms are:
- Bimanual action
- Improved visualization
- Easy and fast set up
- Stability
- Less surgeon fatigue
However, a holding arm doesn’t provide the means to keep the insertion tube where it is needed while the doctor performs secondary procedures. The new Endo Help provides a stable yet still flexible holding mechanism for an endoscope while also providing the means for easy lubrication and cleaning as well as the ability to lock the insertion tube in place when the doctor must let go.
Special features
- Ability to lock the scope in place if it becomes stuck or needs to be maneuvered
- Adjustable lock on the scope
- Easy removal in an emergency – simply disconnect and remove
- Stable positioning – if the patient moves the capsule/insertion tube unit moves with the patient
- Less chance of being dislodged during the procedure
- Reduces the number of hands needed to perform a procedure
- Reduces the time needed for a procedure
- One capsule with easy access port which allows for self lubrication and cleaning of the insertion tube
- Tidy and disposable all-in-one capsule
- Faster cleanup and less waste
- Flexible accessory arm
- Easy to include with or incorporate into an existing endo pack
- Adaptable for use in other types of GI endoscopies
The Endo Help is comprised of a capsule which allows the endoscope insertion tube to be passed through a chamber with a connected port which allows the introduction of a lubricant or cleaning solution. An endoscopic clamp, a clamp mount, a gooseneck tube, and table clamp allows for easy maneuverability and attachment to an exam bed.
The capsule has an attached tube that allows the introduction of lubrication at the start of preparation as well as a cleaning solution at the end of the procedure for removal of contaminates.
The endoscope insertion tube passes through the capsule and the foam diffusion sponge filled with lubricant. This ensures even distribution of the lubricant onto the endoscope insertion tube via a Luer tip and allows additional lubricant to be added as needed.
The insertion tube can then slide within the capsule and into the patient. After initial insertion the capsule is then placed within the clamp and the arm positioned to place, and keep, the capsule in contact with the patient. This allows the doctor to then continue to maneuver the scope. Once the scope reaches the needed location within the patient the doctor is able to lock the scope in place – allowing a free hand for biopsies or any needed procedure. The locking mechanism, when engaged, stops the insertion tube from moving and requiring the physician to reposition the tube.
Imagine being able to reduces the number of items needed to prepare and complete an endoscopic procedure. The Endo Help reduces the number of items in a disposable endo pack to just the capsule, 2 syringes, and the containment pad. The flexible arm and capsule clamp can be reused. With the Endo Helps adaptability for use in other gastrointestinal endoscopies, its potential is unlimited.
Materials needed to produce the Endo Help:
- Medical grade plastic for the capsule
- Diffusion foam sponge
- Medical grade glue
- Rubber washer
- Lubricant/cleaning solution hose
- Transfer port
- Luer tip
- Aluminum or another non-rusting metal for the gooseneck tube
- Endoscope clamp
- Clamp mount
- Table clamp
The Endo Help is covered by United States Utility Patent: 11,547,289
For additional information, licensing opportunities, and a full prospectus on the Endo Help contact:
VP of Business Development